Source code for brew_tools.inputs

from typing import Callable, List

[docs]def get_choice(prompt: str, choices: List[str]) -> int: num_choices = len(choices) valid_range = between(-1, num_choices) while True: for i, choice in enumerate(choices): print(f"{i}: {choice}") answer = int(input(f"{prompt}\n")) if valid_range(answer): return answer print("Invalid selection.")
[docs]def between(min: float, max: float) -> Callable: """ Returns a function to test if a value lies between min and max """ def op(x): if min < x and x < max: return True print("ERROR: Value must be between {} and {}".format(min, max)) return False return op
[docs]def get_unit_input(unit: str, prompt: str) -> float: """ Prompt for an input for temperature and automatically resolve unit (Celcius or Fahrenheit) :arg unit: unit to use :arg prompt: User prompt. Correct unit will be appended :return: entered value as float """ prompt = "{prompt} ({units}): ".format(prompt=prompt, units=unit) value = float(input(prompt)) return value
[docs]def get_gravity_input(prompt: str) -> float: """ Prompt for an input for gravity and validated to be between 1.0 and 1.2 :arg ctx: Click context :arg prompt: User prompt. Will be checked for bounds :return: entered value as float """ valid_range = between(1.0, 1.2) gravity = float(input(prompt)) valid_range(gravity) return gravity